

Takes one or more segment XML files and a query file, runs the query against the segments, and produces veto files as XML. Produces output to match S6 style segment database tools.

Help message

$ ligolw_segments_from_cats_dqsegdb --help
Usage: ligolw_segments_from_cats_dqsegdb -v|--veto-file filename [options]

Reads one or more segment files and a veto file and generates files of veto

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v veto_file, --veto-file=veto_file
                        veto XML file (required).
  -o output_dir, --output-dir=output_dir
                        Directory to write output (default=cwd).
  -k, --keep-db         Keep sqlite database.
  -r, --remove-definer-table
                        If set the veto definer table will not be included in
                        the output.
  -t segment_url, --segment-url=segment_url
                        Segment URL
  -d, --database        use database specified by environment variable
  -f, --dmt-file        Warning: NOT UPDATED FOR DQSEGDB CLIENT YET! use files
                        in directory specified by environment variable
  -c, --cumulative-categories
                        If set the category N files will contain all segments
                        in categories <= N
  -p, --separate-categories
                        If set the category N files will contain only category
  -i, --individual-results
                        If set include information on each veto individually.
                        A comma separated list of all veto categories to
                        consider. If not given then consider all categories in
                        the veto-definer file.
  -I IFO_LIST, --ifo-list=IFO_LIST
                        A comma separated list of all ifos to consider. If not
                        given then consider all ifos in the veto-definer file.
  -N, --non-integer     Allow non-integer start and end time
  -s gps_start_time, --gps-start-time=gps_start_time
                        Start of GPS time range
  -e gps_end_time, --gps-end-time=gps_end_time
                        End of GPS time range
  -g debug, --debug=debug
                        Print debug information.